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Spss 20 Free Download Full Version With Keygen 1 https://urluss.com/2tqXcD
NOTE: This trial download is CSU's full version of SPSS Statistics once activated with your CSUF Authorized Software Code. If you do not have your Authorized Code, visit: Get your SPSS Statistic & SPSS AMOS Authorized Software Code.
SPSS Statistics version 13.0 for Mac OS X was not compatible with Intel-based Macintosh computers, due to the Rosetta emulation software causing errors in calculations. SPSS Statistics 15.0 for Windows needed a downloadable hotfix to be installed in order to be compatible with Windows Vista.
From version 16.0, the same version runs under Windows, Mac, and Linux. The graphical user interface is written in Java. The Mac OS version is provided as a Universal binary, making it fully compatible with both PowerPC and Intel-based Mac hardware.
SPSS Inc announced on July 28, 2009 that it was being acquired by IBM for US$1.2 billion.[17] Because of a dispute about ownership of the name \"SPSS\", between 2009 and 2010, the product was referred to as PASW (Predictive Analytics SoftWare).[18] As of January 2010, it became \"SPSS: An IBM Company\". Complete transfer of business to IBM was done by October 1, 2010. By that date, SPSS: An IBM Company ceased to exist. IBM SPSS is now fully integrated into the IBM Corporation, and is one of the brands under IBM Software Group's Business Analytics Portfolio, together with IBM Algorithmics, IBM Cognos and IBM OpenPages.
The Research on Early Life and Aging Trends and Effects (RELATE) study compiles cross-national data that contain information that can be used to examine the effects of early life conditions on older adult health conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, obesity, functionality, mortality, and self-reported health. The complete cross sectional/longitudinal dataset (n=147,278) was compiled from major studies of older adults or households across the world that in most instances are representative of the older adult population either nationally, in major urban centers, or in provinces. It includes over 180 variables with information on demographic and geographic variables along with information about early life conditions and life course events for older adults in low, middle and high income countries. Selected variables were harmonized to facilitate cross national comparisons.\\nIn this first public release of the RELATE data, a subset of the data (n=88,273) is being released. The subset includes harmonized data of older adults from the following regions of the world: Africa (Ghana and South Africa), Asia (China, India), Latin America (Costa Rica, major cities in Latin America), and the United States (Puerto Rico, Wisconsin). This first release of the data collection is composed of 19 downloadable parts: Part 1 includes the harmonized cross-national RELATE dataset, which harmonizes data from parts 2 through 19. Specifically, parts 2 through 19 include data from Costa Rica (Part 2), Puerto Rico (Part 3), the United States (Wisconsin) (Part 4), Argentina (Part 5), Barbados (Part 6), Brazil (Part 7), Chile (Part 8), Cuba (Part 9), Mexico (Parts 10 and 15), Uruguay (Part 11), China (Parts 12, 18, and 19), Ghana (Part 13), India (Part 14), Russia (Part 16), and South Africa (Part 17). \\nThe Health and Retirement Study (HRS) was also used in the compilation of the larger RELATE data set (HRS) (N=12,527), and these data are now available for public release on the HRS data products page. To access the HRS data that are part of the RELATE data set, please see the collection notes below.\",\"dateModified\":\"Thu May 07 10:53:48 EDT 2015\",\"spatialCoverage\":[\"Argentina\",\"Puerto Rico\",\"United States\",\"Uruguay\",\"China (Peoples Republic)\",\"England\",\"Ghana\",\"India\",\"Russia\",\"Costa Rica\",\"Cuba\",\"Netherlands\",\"Bangladesh\",\"Barbados\",\"Taiwan\",\"Brazil\",\"South Africa\",\"Mexico\",\"Chile\",\"Indonesia\"],\"distribution\":[{\"contentURL\":\" =/pcms/studies/0/3/4/2/34241/V2\",\"@type\":\"DataDownload\",\"encodingFormat\":\"application/zip\",\"fileFormat\":\"SAS\"},{\"contentURL\":\" =/pcms/studies/0/3/4/2/34241/V2\",\"@type\":\"DataDownload\",\"encodingFormat\":\"application/zip\",\"fileFormat\":\"SPSS\"},{\"contentURL\":\" =/pcms/studies/0/3/4/2/34241/V2\",\"@type\":\"DataDownload\",\"encodingFormat\":\"application/zip\",\"fileFormat\":\"Stata\"},{\"contentURL\":\" =/pcms/studies/0/3/4/2/34241/V2\",\"@type\":\"DataDownload\",\"encodingFormat\":\"application/zip\",\"fileFormat\":\"ASCII\"},{\"contentURL\":\" =/pcms/studies/0/3/4/2/34241/V2\",\"@type\":\"DataDownload\",\"encodingFormat\":\"application/zip\",\"fileFormat\":\"R\"},{\"contentURL\":\" =/pcms/studies/0/3/4/2/34241/V2\",\"@type\":\"DataDownload\",\"encodingFormat\":\"application/zip\",\"fileFormat\":\"Delimited\"}],\"@context\":\" \",\"version\":\"V2\",\"url\":\" \",\"datePublished\":\"Wed Jun 12 12:57:31 EDT 2013\",\"license\":\" \",\"dateCreated\":\"2015-05-07 10:53:48.0\",\"temporalCoverage\":[\"1996 -- 2008\"],\"name\":\"Research on Early Life and Aging Trends and Effects (RELATE): A Cross-National Study\",\"publisher\":{\"@type\":\"Organization\",\"name\":\"Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor]\",\"alternateName\":\"ICPSR\",\"url\":\" \"}}function modalCloseHandler(helpTerm,elem){ $('#helpViewDivId').unbind('hidden.bs.modal');$('#helpViewDivId').on('hidden.bs.modal', function (e) { $(elem).focus();});}function displayHelp(helpTerm,elem){ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(HelpViewer, {modalId:'helpViewDivId', helpTerm:helpTerm, context:'pcms', application:'icpsr',module:null,appUrl:' '}), document.getElementById('helpViewDiv'));$('#helpViewDivId').on('shown.bs.modal', function (e) { $('#helpViewDivId .modal-header .close').focus(); modalCloseHandler(helpTerm,elem);});$('#helpViewDivId').modal('show');}function displayPlainHelp(helpTerm,elem){ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(getHelpText, { helpTerm:helpTerm, context:'pcms', application:'icpsr',module:null,appUrl:' '}), document.getElementById('citation-help-text'));}$(\"#data-doc\").treetable({ expandable: true });$(function () { $('[data-toggle=\"popover\"]').popover();});$(document).ready(function(e){var variables = {};variables.tab = \"staff\";variables.studyId = \"34241\";variables.size = \"0\";variables.versionLabel = \"V2\";variables.publishManagerUrl = \" \";variables.childCareUrl = \" \";variables.searchServerUrl = \" \";variables.bibliographyServerUrl = \" \";variables.varsServerUrl = \" \";variables.searchConfig = null;variables.searchResults = null;variables.restrictedDataTypes = {\"idars\":false,\"useAgreement\":false,\"restricted\":false,\"vde\":false,\"enclave\":false};variables.staff = false;variables.currentTenant = \"icpsr\";variables.currentArchive = \"dsdr\";variables.studyTenant = \"ddf\";variables.studyArchive = \"DSDR\";variables.title = \"Research on Early Life and Aging Trends and Effects (RELATE): A Cross-National Study\";variables.metadata = {\"purpose\":\"The purpose of this study was to compile and harmonize cross-national data from both the developing and developed world to allow for the examination of how early life conditions are related to older adult health and well being.\",\"collectionNotes\":[\"Instructions to access the HRS data that form part of the RELATE data set: Go to the HRS data products page. Once you are on the HRS data products page, click on \\\"Access to Public Data\\\" link. You need to be a registered user to download the HRS RELATE data file. Registration is free and fairly easy. When you log in to the HRS data download system, click on the \\\"Data Downloads\\\" link on the bottom of the login screen. Then look for RELATE files in the \\\"Research Contributions\\\" area (upper right corner of the data downloads screen). HRS RELATE data file is in Stata format. A codebook file and a metadata file are included. Once downloaded HRS data can be appended to this release of the harmonized cross-national RELATE data file.\",\"The funding information included in the \\\"Funding\\\" section of this study description relates exclusively to Dr. McEniry's project to create the RELATE dataset from existing data sources. In addition, the following individuals and Principal Investigators deserve recognition for being instrumental in the release of the first public version of RELATE: Drs. George Alter, Barry Popkin, David Weir, Yi Zeng, Luis Rosero-Bixby, Ana Luisa Dávila, Alberto Palloni, Somnath Chatterji, Paul Kowal, Pamela Herd, and Bob Hauser. Finally, it is important to highlight the main funding sources for each of the country specific studies that were used to create the RELATE data. The technical report that accompanies the RELATE data provides the links to the studies where this information can be obtained. In addition, there is a listing of funding sources in the appendices for those datasets that make up the first public release of the RELATE data. For more information on citing the technical report, please see collection note #4 below.\",\"Data that are part of the complete Research on Early Life and Aging Trends and Effects (RELATE) data but are not yet available for download include data from the Matlab [Bangladesh] Health and Socio-Economic Survey (MHSS), Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS), English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA), Mexican Health and Aging Study (MHAS), and Social Environment and Biomarkers of Aging Study in Taiwan (SEBAS). As a result, data from these surveys have been omitted from the harmonized cross-national RELATE data (Part 1) as well as country specific data files. However, data from Bangladesh (MHSS) is available as ICPSR 2705 and the Taiwan (SEBAS) survey is available as ICPSR 3792. \",\"Users should cite the technical report provided with the RELATE data as: McEniry, M., Moen, S., and McDermott, J. (2013). Methods report on the compilation of the RELATE cross-national data on older adults from 20 low, middle and high income countries. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan.\",\" The appendices of the technical methods report (or user guide) are meant to be codebooks for the data found in country-specific files. Please refer to the user guide for more information.\"],\"studyDesign\":\"The selection of countries for this study was based on their diversit